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Cultivate your humanity in our self-managed culture

We invite you to bring your whole-self, with all imperfections, vulnerability and loving kindness in an environment that nurtures growth mindsets while crafting digital experiences

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We share contributions​

Everybody wants to keep the fire burning so we can thrive. You can contribute labor or other resources to receive dynamic equity and yield.

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We share freedom

Cooperation is dynamic. You can be part of different initiatives, teams and roles. Lead or follow in a collaborative ecosystem.

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We share trust​

Everything inside is transparent. You can pull or push information in order to act on it in asynchronous way.

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We share ownership

Everybody is a co-owner of the cooperative. Engage with us in participatory decision makings and facilitation.

Your journey can evolve our path

Come to the fire and participate in changing it so it brings warmth to whoever needs it. Our processes, values and mission are dynamic and reflect our current understandings for building resilient organizations.

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When everything is transparent for members of the cooperative we can regulate our salaries in a more decentralized way. We have a process that’s a guideline how to do it - think of it like a way to connect with people on a more deeper level so we can understand each other. With this process we can also chart growth paths.


In a self-managed organization there’s no delegation of work, only collaboration. Instead of saying “You do this” think of how you can inspire and lead with “I want to do this, can somebody help me?”. It might look that it takes more time and effort but this is more natural way of working together, instead for each other.


Everybody can work on what they want, how they want and when they want. We collectively try to realize that nobody is forced to do something against his will. Thus we lower our expectations to a minimum. Freedom is a range from total anarchy to complete dictatorship and we value when people stick to their intentions so we can rely on each other.


Our involvement in initiatives is through having different kinds of roles. Some of them are leading ones, others are following. But most importantly we can create, merge, split or destroy roles based on the context. With our role system we try to describe what is our current state and responsibilities in a more explicit way for better collaboration.


The only way to build long-lasting trust in a community is to be open to each other. When everybody is transparent enough with their intentions, expectations, and work, people tend to be more helpful and look out for each other. This network of trust creates ripples of confidence and faith which leads to a more balanced organization.


When everyone is empowered to do everything in Camplight, the only way not to self-destruct is if we value responsibility of our actions. When in doubt of the impact of your behaviour it’s better to seek advice from people who will feel the effects of your doings. We value ourselves the same as we value others.


We try to see opportunities over obstacles. Camplight is nothing more than the sum of its members. We know that when everybody in Camplight is progressing in any form - not only business but also cognitive, personal and spiritual, then the whole company is progressing. We have support channels for life’s adventures


We aim to practice radical candor. Some of us are very good with non-violent communication and coaching practices, others just want to grow and help others develop. That’s why we try to give ourselves the gift of a constructive feedback. This mitigates some unwanted buildups and we value when people have adult-adult relationships.


We aim to structure everything in Camplight as an initiative. This is our building block for short or long term value discovery and creation. We have small initiatives like a “literature club” and big, encompassing, initiatives like our entire “service” or “product” line business. Creation of the current website is also an initiative.


We make thousands of decisions yearly and we employ different strategies: from advice processes, majority, consensus to our most used consent decision making. Different situations require mindfulness and facilitative expertise to reach specific decision point. We value making all of them participatory.

We aim to structure everything in Camplight as an initiative. This is our building block for short or long term value discovery and creation. We have small initiatives like a “literature club” and big, encompassing, initiatives like our entire “service” or “product” line business. Creation of the current website is also an initiative.

When everything is transparent for members of the cooperative we can regulate our salaries in a more decentralized way. We have a process that’s a guideline how to do it – think of it like a way to connect with people on a more deeper level so we can understand each other. With this process we can also chart growth paths.

Our involvement in initiatives is through having different kinds of roles. Some of them are leading ones, others are following. But most importantly we can create, merge, split or destroy roles based on the context. With our role system we try to describe what is our current state and responsibilities in a more explicit way for better collaboration.

We make thousands of decisions yearly and we employ different strategies: from advice processes, majority, consensus to our most used consent decision making. Different situations require mindfulness and facilitative expertise to reach specific decision point. We value making all of them participatory.

We aim to practice radical candor. Some of us are very good with non-violent communication and coaching practices, others just want to grow and help others develop. That’s why we try to give ourselves the gift of a constructive feedback. This mitigates some unwanted buildups and we value when people have adult-adult relationships.

In a self-managed organization there’s no delegation of work, only collaboration. Instead of saying “You do this” think of how you can inspire and lead with “I want to do this, can somebody help me?”. It might look that it takes more time and effort but this is more natural way of working together, instead for each other.

Everybody can work on what they want, how they want and when they want. We collectively try to realize that nobody is forced to do something against his will. Thus we lower our expectations to a minimum. Freedom is a range from total anarchy to complete dictatorship and we value when people stick to their intentions so we can rely on each other.

The only way to build long-lasting trust in a community is to be open to each other. When everybody is transparent enough with their intentions, expectations, and work, people tend to be more helpful and look out for each other. This network of trust creates ripples of confidence and faith which leads to a more balanced organization.

We try to see opportunities over obstacles. Camplight is nothing more than the sum of its members. We know that when everybody in Camplight is progressing in any form – not only business but also cognitive, personal and spiritual, then the whole company is progressing. We have support channels for life’s adventures.

When everyone is empowered to do everything in Camplight, the only way not to self-destruct is if we value responsibility of our actions. When in doubt of the impact of your behaviour it’s better to seek advice from people who will feel the effects of your doings. We value ourselves the same as we value others.

We’re a network of professionals, a community of practitioners and the core team are the main hosts around Camplight but there are many more around.

Collaborate with worker-owners of camplight

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Alek Petrov
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Anton Ruzhekov
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Boris Filipov
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Galya Tsirkalova
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Ivo Kacharov
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llko Kacharov
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Jasen Lazarov
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Margarita Hristova
Marin Petrov
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Marta Kostova
Martin Martinov
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Naska Yankova
Pavel Tashev
Pavel Tashev
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Petar Petrov
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Tsvetan Tsvetanov
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Todor Petrov
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Veselin Nikolov
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Vitaliy Filipov

50+ Camplight members
collaborating on projects with us

Joining as a member or owner is open for applications. We’re constantly searching for people having digital and soft skills boosted with intention to work as leaders and followers in a moldable company. If you’re interested go check our guidebook to understand how to proceed.

Our model can compound
your contributions

After piling decade of experiments we organically reached a vector where we combine platform cooperativism with venture building practices. This translates to having an ecosystem of best practices, guidelines and systems that help you to progress on what matters in collaboration with other members.

Advance with a
Platform Cooperative

A platform co-op is a digital platform that is designed to provide shared services or sell products, and that is collectively owned and governed by the people who depend on and participate in it.

Our aim is to reward even the glue work by refining a platform for human collaboration and making it fair to participate while also a having a honest model to share profits and grow together. We employ dynamic equity splits with a homegrown solution for awarding different contributions with specific type of shares. Basically this can be simplified to:

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If you put some sweat,
you’ll receive labor shares.

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If you reinvest some money you’ll receive patron shares.

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If you participate in the genesis of a venture you’ll receive founder shares.

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When all of us do this we can amplify our reach and diversify our work inputs by participating in a system which reciprocally gives back. If there’s a rising tide it will lift all boats.

Expand with our venture building

Our venture building is a process to de-risk the creation of value aligned business adventures by reusing and recycling of past experiences, technologies and knowledge.

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We want to systematically enable partnerships and produce ventures that are meaningful and will help humanity evolve its collaboration. Our flywheel aims to unlock us to deliver more experiments on a yearly basis without the overhead of gathering teams and spinning them as separate entities each time. Join a venture to utilize our platform services while maintaining autonomy.

Camplight has operational foundations and can help with:

Financial and payroll help
Legal support
Lean and agile development facilitation
Design and branding assistance
Marketing and growth hacking aid
Knowledge sharing and advice

Cowork with a lifestyle company in remote places

We are mainly from Bulgaria but as an entirely remote organization historically we have been working from different parts of the world, hopefully contributing purposefully to local communities. You might meet us here and there in vans, camping, hiking, skiing, surfing or doing something else.

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Camplight is a lifestyle company and that’s why we are playing the longterm game for work-life balance while trying to achieve an impact.

Immerse yourself into
something bigger

We’re an independent part of a flow for change in the business world. Its root is based on a movement for democratic organizations dated to 1844 . The coop movement now has more than 12% of humanity as part of any of the 3 million cooperatives in the world!

Patio was formed in 2020. It’s a network comprised of tech worker-owned cooperatives, similar to Camplight, from all corners of the globe, working together in solidarity to democratize the tech sector.

The aim of the community is to learn from each other and create an impactful environment where teams can scale smoothly in a horizontal and transparent way.

We are part of a community called Patio with







Contact Us

Camplight is a venture-building platform cooperative. We’ve been crafting meaningful software since 2012. Our focus on evolving human collaboration is from the inside out – from how we operate internally to how we collaborate with partners and what types of products we forge for users. If this inspires you, why don’t we join our “lights” for better illumination?